Aerostudies - Online Aviation Training Experts
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Why Online E-Learning?

There are many advantages to to providing your training via the Web, including:

Fits your schedule

Fits Your Schedule

Training can be taken any time you like. No need to arrange your schedule or that of your employer's to take training.

Training anywhere

Training Anywhere

Training can be taken anywhere there is an internet connection. Home, work, business trip, remote office, hotel, etc.

Automatic record keeping

Automatic Record Keeping

Your scores, progress and other information is all automatically tracked.

Up to date


Unlike printed or CD-ROM based training materials, online e-learning content can be changed or updated at any time, and all users instantly get the new material.

Learning assurance

Learning Assurance

Features like self-check questions and chapter quizes ensure that you are actually learning and comprehending the material before moving on to other topics, and it keeps a record of this too.

Enhanced Learning

Digital photos, video, and illustrations maximized for the web are are inexpensive and easy to insert into the training, making your experience more visual and lively. Animations and interactive components are powerful teaching tools, and can easily be included.

Enhanced learning

There are many more advantages to online e-learning.

Learn more about our ASCENT Aviation E-Training System!